Thursday, September 19

September 19 International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Ahoy Me Mateys 
Throw a little pirate slang into your day!

Need a little help getting started?
Check out these great links for help.

Avast! The following excerpt is taken from the the official Talk Like a Pirate website:

Aarrr!: Pirate exclamation. Done with a growl and used to emphasize the pirate's current feelings.
Ahoy: Hello
Avast: Stop and pay attention
Beauty: a lovely woman
Belaying Pin: a small wooden pin used to hold rigging in place. Sometimes used as a bludgeoning weapon.
• Cutlass: Popular sword among pirates
Davy Jones' Locker: The bottom of the sea. The final resting place for many pirates and their ships. As far as anyone knows, there was no real person named Davy Jones. It’s just the spirit of the ocean, firmly a part of pirate mythology since at least the middle of the 18th century.

Grog: A drink that pirates enjoyed
• Hornpipe: a single reed instrument, also a dance.
Lubber: Land lover. Someone who doesn't want to go to sea.
• Matey: Friend or comrade
... for the complete pirate vocabulary lesson check out the Pirate Curriculum (available as a PDF) - click here for a direct link.
Want to know your pirate name? 
Check out the Pirate Name Generator - yes, there is one of those!

Time to Weigh Anchor!
Pirate Jasmine The Black 
(according to the Pirate name generator)

Here's how International Talk Like A Pirate Day all started: 

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