Wednesday, September 18

Coffee & Tea Stains - No More!

Clean those stubborn stains overnight!

I have a travel coffee cup that is my 'go to' for hot beverages and with Fall in full swing it is ready for some serious use.

I took it from the cupboard and looked inside - ick.
Just ick.
This cup is well loved and well stained but not ready to be recycled.

So what to do? 

Here's the TIP: For under $3, I grabbed a box of generic denture cleaning tablets at the local pharmacy and put a tablet to work overnight.

Simply fill you cup with warm water and drop in a tablet. Let it sit overnight.
Good morning cup!
Ahh - a fresh, clean, stain-free cup - no odors either! 
Can't wait for my morning coffee! 

TIP - Have a water bottle that needs freshening? Or how about that water bottle that didn't have water in it AND has been rolling around in the back of the car for too long - clean and disinfect it this way!

TIP - I want to try this on a vase - you know the kind - the one you left the flowers in for just a little too long. (LOL)

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