Monday, November 18

You Can Make It Too! Thanksgiving Story Bracelet

Gather up your little ones and some beads - it's time to tell the story of Thanksgiving!

What you need:

  1. Colored plastic beads - we used 'pony' beads (brown, white, blue, dark green, light green, red, orange, yellow).
  2. Pipe cleaners - for the youngest hands.
  3. Stretchy beading cord - we used a 'spaghetti like' string, gimp would also work.
  4. Bowls - We set the table up with small plastic bowls filled with beads.

TIP - Have the kids sort the beads for you - I found they were ready and willing to help!

Great for all ages! The oldest ones at the table used spaghetti string while our 3 year old used a pipe cleaner for the same craft.

TIP - when using the string method, start with the first bead (brown in this case) and find the center point of the string, add the next bead by putting each end of the string through the opposite side of the bead. (See below) Continue creating this 'chain like' beading.

Here We Go

I have found that depending on the age of the child, each one has something to contribute to the story and with a little guidance you can help them fill in the blanks and create a story bracelet that will allow them to share the story with others.

Our story time

A long time ago some men and women, boys and girls, just like you, left their home in England to come to America where they could live the way they wanted - these people were called Pilgrims. We use a brown bead to represent them.
The Pilgrims traveled on a ship called the Mayflower. This ship was a sailing ship. We use a white bead to represent the sails.
They traveled across the ocean for a very long time. There were storms and large waves, the ship tossed and turned as many of the Pilgrims got sick. This was a very long journey. We use 3 blue beads to represent the sea they traveled on and the length of time they traveled.
Finally they spotted land! Place a green bead on your bracelet to represent land.
But when they arrived the weather was getting colder and winter was coming. Place a white bead on your bracelet to represent winter.
The winter was very long and difficult. There was little food and many of the Pilgrims were sick and weak. Place 2 more white beads on your bracelet to represent how long and difficult this time was for the Pilgrims.
Place a light green bead on your bracelet - this represents Spring. As the snow began to melt the Pilgrims went to work building their homes and planting seeds.
It was during this time that the Pilgrims met, Squanto. Squanto taught the Pilgrims many things about the land including where to hunt and fish, how to cook and use wild plants for medicine. Place a brown bead on your bracelet to represent Squanto.
When Fall arrived the Pilgrims were thankful for the bountiful harvest they had, the new friends they had made and the new life they started. The celebrated with a great feast we call Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving lasted for 3 days! Add beads to your bracelet that represent the foods at the first Thanksgiving: 
  •  A red bead for cranberries
  • A yellow bead for corn
  • A brown bead for turkey
  • An orange bead for pumpkin
To finish the bracelet off, if using the pipe cleaner, fit it to your child's wrist, leaving room so that they can remove it easily.

Be sure to tuck the points of the pipe cleaner into a bead to prevent any poking.

To finish the bracelet off using string, place the bracelet under the child's wrist and thread both stings through opposite ends of the first brown bead. Finish with a square knot. (See images below)
We made a short video 'how-to' on tying off the bracelet you can find it here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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